UI Weekly

The bi-weekly curated resources list for UX professionals

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Aug 26, 2024

When Too Much Data Becomes a Problem Issue 221

  • Metric Overload: When Too Much Data Becomes a Problem

    Struggling with data overload? Learn how to recognize and address metric overload, streamline data processes, and drive meaningful change in your organization.

  • How to Design Better Metrics

    Metrics are a powerful tool; they help you measure what you care about. Having lofty goals is great, but to know if youre making progress, incentivize your team and create accountability, you need.Here's 9 best practices from leading companies like Uber & Meta

  • Navigation UX Design: Types & Best Practices

    Users expect to find what they need quickly and efficiently. Poor navigation can cripple your website or app, driving users away and

Receive a hand picked list of the best user experience design links every second week. Curated by Anders Toxboe. Published every second Thursday.

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